Accept the 3V Challenge! image

Accept the 3V Challenge!

To address the challenge of Big Cats in the future: Visitor center, Viability Efforts, Veterinary Hospital

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Challenge Accepted!

Dear CFAR Supporters and Allies,

It is our pleasure to announce the launch of our everyday giving campaign! We've been very busy since our move to Osceola County in 2017 and want to extend our gratitude for your generous support! We are now looking forward to the future with new projects to benefit our beloved residents.

This campaign will be focused on growing our membership in addition to being centralized around three components: to support our Visitor's Center, provide Veterinary Care and secure our Viability to continue our mission of addressing the challenges of big cats for the future.

Supporting our Visitor's center provides an area to accommodate the public and functionally serve as a educational resource for the community. Our needs also include a Veterinary Center where interventional medical care can be given in a controlled environment. Above all, we are committed to providing the best care for our big cats and to ultimately support the Viability of the species.

Your donation will support this mission and is greatly appreciated!